Workshop: Solutioning for RFPs & Contracts
Whether you sell products or services, participating in RFPs and the resulting contracts require you to have a solution.

Do you know the who, what, when, where, why, how, and “so what” about getting your product or services to your client so that you can get paid and have them coming back again and again?

Join this workshop to brainstorm and document this information so it’s available for future proposals and statements of work.

Download the workbook below.
Get the .PDF version.
Get the MS WORD version.
Would you like to meet with us at the Disability:IN Expo in Las Vegas? Use the link below to schedule today!
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+1 (312) 883-3007
1210 S. Wayside Drive
Villa Park IL 60181

Proposal writing agency based in Villa Park, IL
© 2018-2024 Once Upon an RFP®
