Control the RFP narrative. Craft specifications that get responses.

Free your procurement team to focus on running the RFP process.

Hire us to take your RFPs from chaos to done.

RFP Specification Development

The easiest way to receive responsive proposals is to have someone else write your Request for Proposal (RFP) and/or scope of work. This allows you to customize the proposal requirements to the specific nuances of your need, allowing your Procurement Team to focus on what they do best: run the RFP process.

RFP and scope of work/specification development begins with fully understanding the problem you need to solve and your:

  • Current state of existing systems or business infrastructure
  • Existing operations
  • Desired future state
  • External factors, such as new legislation, new industry best practices, new regulatory reporting requirements, etc., creating your need to go out to bid.

Once Upon an RFP will work with you to develop a custom Request for Proposal capable of being publicly or invitation-only published. The RFP can use a template you provide or we can develop a new RFP template for you client.

Elements we recommend including in a Request for Proposal include:

  • Introduction with a project background, including why the project is going out to bid.
  • Scope of Work listing the specific products and/or services to be provided based on both what the client needs and what you are currently providing to them
  • Mandatory requirement for a cover/submittal letter
  • Proposal compliance checklist that must be signed and submitted with the proposal.
  • List of proposal response requirements listed in order of importance to you
  • Evaluation criteria with specific scoring weighted in order of importance to your client, and your ability to achieve the maximum points in each criterion.
  • Bid submission requirements

We work with you as a consultant to write, edit, and publish the final RFP Specification in the format of your choice.



  • Accounting
  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Application
  • Rationalization
  • Assurance
  • Automotive
  • Business Optimization
  • Cloud
  • Construction
  • Custom Development
  • Consulting
  • Design
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Environment
  • Financial Services
  • Geospatial
  • Hardware
  • Healthcare
  • Human Resources
  • Insurance
  • IT Managed Services
  • Logistics
  • Low and No-Code Solutions Management Consulting
  • Manufacturing
  • Non-profit
  • Real Estate
  • Recruiting
  • Software
  • Strategic Planning
  • Technology

Let's Talk

                                            Book your exploratory session to see if we might be the right fit.

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