RFx of the Day:
City of Houston
Does your company specialize in direct meal preparation, providing institutional food service, and meal delivery?
Solicitation No. T29414:
Congregate and Home Delivered Meals in the Harris County and in the 12 Surrounding Counties for Older Adults for HHD
This RFP from the City of Houston, Texas is seeking experienced Food Service Providers and Contractors to aid the Houston Health Department (HHD), the Harris County Agency on Aging (HCAA), and the Houston-Galveston Area Agency on Aging (HGAAA) in delivering meals to older adults.
Companies may bid on one or more of the following services:
Congregate meals
Home-delivered meals
Frozen meals
Shelf stable emergency meals
Holiday meals (Thanksgiving Day)
Chilled meals
Demand response meals
All meals must be standard American menus with the opportunity for culturally-diverse menu inclusion.
“USDA Requirement: All meals must comply with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), State of Texas Department of Health, Retail Food Regulations, and Health and Human Services Commission pursuant to the Nutrition Services wiles in chapter 40, section 85 of the TAC requirements.”
Important dates to consider:
Pre-proposal conference – September 23, 2020
Questions due – September 30, 2020
Proposals due – October 22, 2020
Notification of intent to award (estimate) – November 13, 2020
Contract start date (estimate) – December 18, 2020
For the RFP, pricing schedules, and a sample contract, see here: https://purchasing.houstontx.gov/Bid_Display.aspx?id=T29414
Photo credit Sam Wheeler on Unsplash