RFx of the Day:
City of Lincoln, Nebraska
The City of Lincoln Parking Services Division in Nebraska is seeking bids from vendors who can provide parking services uniforms. Vendors must have access to wholesale brands such as Port Authority and Gildan.
The uniforms will consist of specific, branded men’s and women’s garments in a variety of sizes and colors. Some pieces may need a single-color logo embroidered on the left chest.
Bids will be submitted via e-bid. Once a contract has been finalized, deliveries will be made to:
Parking Services Division
850 “Q” Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
Does your company sell garments and provide logo embroidery services?
If so, you can find out more at https://col.ionwave.net/PublicDetail.aspx?bidID=14191&ret=OPEN&pg=0&bidNumber=&title=&type=&org=
Don’t delay. The deadline for proposals is 12/02/2020 by 12:00pm CT.
Photo by John Matychuk on Unsplash