RFx of the Day:
Florida Department of Health

As RFx professionals with clients in a wide variety of industries, we keep an eye out for new opportunities to drop. With a focus on comprehensive tobacco prevention and control, this one caught our attention.

The Florida Department of Health Bureau of Tobacco Free Florida is seeking providers to help reduce tobacco prevalence and reduce per capita tobacco consumption throughout the State.

The primary goals for this project include:

  1. Prevent tobacco use by adolescents and young adults.
  2. Eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke.
  3. Promote quitting.
  4. Support a “Statutorily Mandated Comprehensive Statewide Tobacco Education and Use Prevention Program.”

Is your company passionate about reducing tobacco usage and looking for grant opportunities?

If yes, you can find out more at http://www.floridahealth.gov/about/administrative-functions/purchasing/grant-funding-opportunities/RFA20-002_Final_Forms1.pdf

Don’t delay. The application deadline is 11/16/2020 by 5:00pm ET.

Photo by Kristaps Solims on Unsplash

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Do you wish you had someone to guide you through the RFQ response process?

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