RFx of the Day:
Office of Humanitarian Business and Management Operations

As RFx professionals with clients in a wide variety of industries, we keep an eye out for new opportunities to drop. With a focus on hiring a diversity, equity, and inclusion team lead, this one caught our attention.

The Office of Humanitarian Business and Management Operations (HBMO) is looking to hire a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) team lead through a U.S. Personal Service Contract (USPSC). This team lead will be responsible for managing the DEI team as well as developing, implementing, and institutionalizing a continuous DEI strategy for the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA).

Applicants must include all of the following information on their resume:

  1. Paid and non-paid experience including job title, locations, dates held, and hours per week for each position.
  2. Specific duties performed
  3. Education, certifications, and other relevant training.
  4. Proof of U.S. Citizenship

If interested, you can find out more at https://beta.sam.gov/opp/756d8b58b62f420aacef57ff3efe3aca/view?index=opp&notice_type=o,k,r&page=9

The deadline for proposals is 07/14/2020 by 12:00pm EST. Do you need help deciding if this is a good fit for you and/or creating your proposal? Please reach out; we offer a free 30-minute consultation.

Photo by heylagostechie on Unsplash

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