RFx of the Day:
University of California, Irvine

As RFx professionals with clients in a wide variety of industries, we keep an eye out for new opportunities to drop. With a focus on hydrogen fuel, this one caught our attention.

The University of California, Irvine is seeking bidders to “design and construct a new hydrogen fueling station at the corner of California Avenue and Academy Way on campus property.”

Hydrogen fuel cells are an efficient and emission-free alternative energy source. There are no dangerous by-products or harmful carbon emissions and Hydrogen is readily available worldwide. Hydrogen fuel will be a integral part of shifting energy reliance from fossil fuels to clean and renewable sources.

“In addition, the station will be a teaching, research, and outreach resource to support the Advanced Power and Energy Program (APEP) hydrogen research, education, and market development initiatives.”

If your company specializes in Hydrogen fuel station design and construction, you can find out more at https://www.fm.uci.edu/bidboard/5112389_prequaltech.pdf#5112389

Don’t delay. The deadline for proposals is 11/05/2020.

Photo by Julian Myles on Unsplash

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