
August 22, 2022, Once Upon an RFP turns four years old. Since 2018, we’ve blossomed from a one-woman operation to a rapidly growing team of proposal consultants, communications coordinators, marketing specialists, operations gurus, and program managers.

4 Lessons We’ve Learned In 4 Years Read More »

Brown brick wall. Small business toolkit

Small Business Toolkit (SMB Toolkit) is the one-stop-shop for businesses that work with Government and Big Corporate.

Designed for solopreneurs, SMB Toolkit will take you from chaos to done. We offer services ranging from anchoring established businesses to a complete overhaul for your brand and company.

Lay the Foundation with Small Business Toolkit Read More »

Child reading book. Maximizing Readability

Maximizing readability consists of helping your readers find and comprehend information efficiently. Whether writing blogs or responding to bids, it is crucial to keep your readers in mind and adjust accordingly.

Writing Tips: Maximizing Readability Read More »

Close up Moth resting on the ground. Social Moth

If you’re not quite a social butterfly, you might be a social moth instead.

The business world expects entrepreneurs and working professionals to exude confidence and charisma. Being anxious, shy, and introverted is too often looked down upon. However, we can actually leverage anxiety, shyness, and introversion to create meaningful, affirming connections.

Networking for Social Moths Read More »

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