Business Writing

Older person reading newspaper at table. City of Houston.

This RFP from the City of Houston, Texas is seeking experienced Food Service Providers and Contractors to aid the Houston Health Department (HHD), the Harris County Agency on Aging (HCAA), and the Houston-Galveston Area Agency on Aging (HGAAA) in delivering meals to older adults.

RFx of the Day: City of Houston Read More »

Pathway with trees on both sides. Economic development authority.

Through this RFQ/P, the Authority is soliciting proposals for consulting services to support the phased development of a state-wide green bank, fund or other financing mechanisms and activities (Green Fund) that would operate either under State government auspices, or as a private, not-for-profit entity.

RFx of the Day: New Jersey Economic Development Authority Read More »

Microscope image of Coronavirus

NASA is looking to purchase personal wearable monitors. The goal of the purchase is to proactively monitor for potentially pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic individuals who might be unknowingly spreading the virus.

RFx of the Day: NASA Read More »

Women holding opened book to her face standing next to brick wall Read an RFP

RFPs can be long, uninteresting, and less than user-friendly documents. It is so easy just to skim the RFP, only looking at the deadline and RFP title and falling into a state of complete overwhelm.

Lesson 05: How to Read an RFP Read More »

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